Virtual Learning Program

The Opportunity Academy Virtual Learning (OAVL) Pathway is a targeted virtual option available to high-school students aged 14-22 on a first come, first served basis. DC resident students in 9-12th grade, including students beginning in 9th grade, are eligible to apply for enrollment. 

To participate, students must enroll in one of the Opportunity Academies: Luke C. Moore, Ballou STAY, or Garnett-Patterson STAY.

The virtual pathway utilizes a synchronous virtual instructional delivery model. Synchronous courses are those taught live by an instructor via class meetings on Microsoft Teams. The curriculum and instruction are consistent between the virtual pathway and the in-person programs. 

School hours are from 9:15am-3:45pm. There are five 65-minute class periods, with a 45-minute lunch break. On Wednesdays, class periods are shortened to 30-minutes to allow for an afternoon advisory block. During this block, students participate in post-secondary transition, employability, SEL, and arts integration programming. 

For more information, please contact the OAVL Assistant Principal, Ms. Tina Bradley, at [email protected].

Futuristic circular graphic illustrating "Opportunity Academy Virtual Learning" with surrounding text, including "Ballou STAY," "Eastern," and "Luke C. Moore.