Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

Welcome to Luke C. Moore Opportunity Academy, one of Washington DC's finest high schools. Addressing the Whole Student is the framework of our foundation. As an LCM Eagle, you are a member of a family who strives to maintain the highest levels of excellence. The faculty and staff are committed to providing a quality program that will give our young people the best education possible. Our mission is to work with you and your child to assist him/her in reaching the highest attainable goals possible.

Parents, we share the common goal of providing your child with an education that will best prepare them for life after high school. We must work together to ensure that your son/daughter’s learning experience here at Luke C. Moore is of the highest quality. Your support, encouragement and dedication during this school year are essential.

The high school experience is a very important time in your academic career. As high school students, you are expected to take ownership for your academics and actions. Every student must take an active role in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and habits that will make them successful individuals in the community and society at large. Attend school and class regularly! Come on time and prepared to do your best.

As educators, we are responsible to promote an environment that values self-respect and respect for others. We will work diligently to achieve our goals of improving the instructional program, of improving our school environment and preparing students for future endeavors. Please know that our faculty and staff are committed to exposing students to post-secondary experiences and prepare them to achieve the goal of a high school diploma and a pathway certification.

Student success will be a collaborative effort involving parents and guardians, educators and students. Working as a team, students will be successful and high school will be a memorable, instructive, and enjoyable experience.

Welcome to School Year 2024-2025. Welcome to Luke, where we believe that every mission is possible as long as we work together.


Rodney Wormsley, Sr.